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Separating Waste

Recycling Works!
A cleaner community today and tomorrow.

Composed by Virginia Brown


How can we have cleaner waterways, coastlines and food sources? One way to help our area have a healthy future is through recycling. What happens to that empty water bottle? To that #5 yogurt container? To the glass bottle once the chardonnay is gone? To the plastic grocery bag? If you can’t reuse something does it get recycled? Some St. James residents, passionate about the benefits of community recycling, have formed the St. James Conservancy Recycling group. Their goal is to educate and encourage St. James residents to participate in curbside and other options for recycling. When curbside recycling is picked up in St. James, it makes its way to Sonoco Recycling in Wilmington and Jacksonville, where it is processed for sale. St. James residents are encouraged to visit the Sonoco facility in either location for a fascinating first hand look at what becomes of all our acceptable recyclables.


There are many convenient options for St. James residents to recycle aside from curb side pickup. Items may be taken to one of the Southport Convenience Center on River Road or to the Brunswick County Landfill off Highway 17. Tin cans can go to the depository next to the dog park behind the main St. James Fire Department. Food markets accept plastic bags and paper and the Publix on Oak island accepts styrofoam. If you happen to be in Wilmington you can take many of your recyclables, including styrofoam, to the UNCW recycling center.


The St. James Conservancy website has a wealth of information under its Recycling tab. Recycle 101 provides basic information. Videos show what happens to recycled plastic and how recycling creates jobs. The Sonoco website is another valuable resource for learning about recycling. Members of St. James Conservancy look to a future when St. James is an area leader in community recycling, providing a better future for our corner of North Carolina.


Separating Waste
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