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Our Programs

St. James Conservancy is working with our many partners to protect and enhance the natural resources in and around our community. We welcome your contributions, time, and energy to maintain this special place now and for generations to come. As noted by author Richard Louv;
"What would our lives be like if our days and nights were as immersed in nature as they are in electronics? How can each of us help create that life-enhancing world, not only in a hypothetical future, but right now, for our families and for ourselves?"    Our current top programs:

living shoreline program participants

Living Shoreline


On Thursday, June 23 2022, “Living Shoreline” by our 115 Multigenerational Citizen Scientists was a huge success with our UNCW Professor and graduate/undergraduate student leaders, as well as South Brunswick High School Aquaculture Teacher and students. We placed 800-bags of oyster shells and planted almost 2,200 plugs of Spartina Alterniflora marsh grasses, all of which are contributing as an Ecological Service to prevent erosion yet provide a habitat for marine life, among many other benefits. Each oyster cleans 30-50-gallons of water a day (actually, a bathtub full). 

Our scientists included many grandchildren who carried oyster shell bags and planted grasses, working along our shoreline while attending also UNCW student workshops with samples of our marine life.

Our next event will be in September to also include classes of our High School students.

Please see the 15-minute video of our event by Chuck Gardner, below.

Thank you to all, J. Taylor Ryan, Project Founder and Leader - The Royal Order of the Honorary St James Oyster.


NWF Certification sign

NWF Community Wildlife Habitat

The National Wildlife Federation's Community Wildlife Habitat™ program partners with cities, towns, counties, neighborhoods, and communities of all kinds to become healthier, greener, and more wildlife-friendly.

Community Wildlife Habitats garden and landscape with wildlife in mind, promote the use of native trees and plants, work to reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides and chemicals, and integrate wildlife-friendly practices into sustainability plans and park master plans.

Through this program St. James can enhance and restore islands and corridors of wildlife habitat in neighborhoods and developed areas, while at the same time connecting to existing work around climate resiliency, community resiliency, urban forestry, water conservation, beautification, and more.

If your property provides elements of food, water, cover, places to raise young along with sustainable gardening practices, it meets the requirements to become a certified wildlife habitat. 

Help us expand our commitment to providing healthy wildlife habitats by certifying your yard.

Outdoor Nature Programs

Environmental Education


Environmental education refers to organized efforts to teach how natural environments function, and particularly, how human beings can manage behavior and ecosystems to live sustainably.

The objectives of environmental education is to increase public awareness about environmental issues, explore possible solutions, and to lay the foundations for a fully informed and active participation of individual in the protection of environment and the prudent and rational use of natural resources.

St. James Conservancy will continue to offer a wide variety of opportunities for residents to learn and explore our local flora and fauna. From the speaker series, to films, local presentations and outdoor field trips, there is much we can discover about the natural world.

Not only does SJC provide programs and events to help educate our members, we offer multiple resources that you may review and/or download. These resources are available to SJC members.


Conservation begins with Education.





We have over 300 science based documents on our Resources page.

Join our group on our Facebook page.

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